Friday, February 16, 2024

Celebrating Spring with Creative Collage Art

 "The busy bee has no time for sorrow." 

- William Blake
"No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow."
- English Proverb

Every spring small piles of dirt would appear in my side lawn. Soon after, bees hovered and darted above in a busy cloud.  Their arrival was one of the first signs of the change of seasons in my yard.  They were visibly active for several weeks before disappearing from sight.  I walked through them unharmed to mow the grass.  

My neighbor urged me to spray pesticide, so I consulted the internet for information.  According to an article from the NC State Extension, these ground bees are important pollinators. The site urges NC residents to let these insects be(e), explaining that "protecting their nests is more beneficial than planting flowers". Sure enough, looking out my kitchen window the following day, I noticed the buds on the branch of my maple were positively humming with masses of my bees.

Somehow seeing this reminder of nature at work gives me a subtle sense of satisfaction and a warm feeling that I can best describe as hope.  After the cold winds and short days of winter, along comes spring with its new life and abundant growth.  I can't help but feel a surge of creative energy.  Ineveitably, I want to try something new and share it with all of you. 

So while the birds are out gathering twigs and moss for their nests, I'm collecting small scraps of paper for a collage.  Anything will do - pages from children's books, handwritten notes on lined paper, glossy images of the sky from a magazine, and torn pieces of floral scrapbook paper.

My mom said I left a trail of paper scraps and drops of glue behind me wherever I went as a child.  I was always cobbling things together to make art.  This project feels just as carefree.  My plan is to make a home portrait collage with mixed media.

I run out to the street in bare feet to snap a quick photo of the house, print it in black and white, and trim out the background with scissors. 

Then I rummage in my drawer of artist's treasure to select tools from a variety of mediums.

I grab a canvas and paint primer over a previous work of art.  Waste not, want not.

I start by assembling the torn scraps of paper and my home image in various ways until I'm satisfied with the layout.  Now it's Mod Podge time!  It's essential to cover every tiny bit of the paper with adhesive. Then press the paper carefully onto the board spreading out with your palms (or a roller if you have one) from center to outer edges.  If you accidentally end up with an air bubble under the paper, c'est la vie!  There is no perfection in collage work nor in life.  There will be wrinkles, and we will work with them.

Now that the scraps have been assembled to form a lovely background for my home, I can break out my watercolors, pencils, and markers to create a more cohesive scene with a bit of artist's magic.

You can watch my YouTube video to see the creation from start to finish.  Imitate the spring birds and start gathering your scraps to create something beautiful. 

Happy creating,