Thursday, December 22, 2016

Grow Business by Planting Seeds

Grow Business by Planting Seeds

"Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed, and nothing ever changes without a dream." Debby Boone

"From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow." Aeschylus
There is a bumper crop of acorns this year.  Every corner of my yard is filled with heaps of brown nuts.  My neighbor hates it.  I see her in her yard daily muttering to herself, shaking her head, and trying to scoop them up into trash bins. I like the sound of them plunking to the ground from the high branches of the oak every time the wind blows. I like the happy abundance, the anxious overproduction, and the irrepressible urge to ensure the growth of lots of future seedlings.  I like that all of the trees seemingly whispered among themselves and decided to make an all out effort to fill the world with stately oaks.  If not carried off by the delighted squirrels, these acorns will root in the soft damp soil and grow.

Autumn is also the time when our business year winds down and we take stock of our successes and failures and begin to make plans for the upcoming year.  It is a time to plant seeds for the promises of growth into the future.  What do you want to plant and sow?  Think of your seeds as hopes for the future.  Each little acorn holds the promise of a mighty oak as each of your seeds could grow in a wonderfully lucrative direction.
With that in mind, here is my "Fall Planting Guide":
1. Look for fertile ground.  Much as an acorn dropped onto a concrete patio will fail to sprout, ideas shared with an unreceptive audience with ill timing will wither and die.  Do you research to determine where opportunity lies, who is receptive to your particular idea, when to approach those who might benefit from your service or product.  Use your search engine to research ideas before wasting energy on an idea which will not generate proper interest to allow for growth.  
2.Scatter lots of seeds, and spread them far and wide.  It is better to test several good ideas rather than putting all of your resources into one, because you can't be certain which will take hold, root, and grow.  Plant lots of ideas by reaching out to as many people you can in as many places as possible.  Communicate your ideas far and wide with enthusiasm.
3. Provide the nourishment necessary to growth.  An acorn without sun and water will remain a hard brown acorn.  Hope, faith, determination and dogged perseverance are the nourishment of dreams.  It is not enough to have an idea, present it to the right person, and then sit back to see if it will grow.  You must continue to work on the idea, providing a foundation for growth. An acorn will not grow in a dark cave.  Continue to act, to promote, to share your excitement.

So scatter your dream ideas far and wide in abundance like seeds of hope, because not every acorn will root and grow; the soil they fall into will not always be fertile.  You never know which dream will thrive and grow, so treat them all like oak trees in the making. 

Happy Creating,

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