Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Everything is Going to be Okay

Hi.  It’s been a while.  I’ve been busy.  As I’m sure you’re aware, almost overnight the world went from sociable, thriving, “normal”, to socially distant, frightening, and decidedly not normal.  I had to transform my little art business from something based on interacting in public spaces to a not-so sociable paint-at-home solution.  And let me tell you, through the last few months of scrambling, reinventing, creating, and hustling, I was scared.  I was terrified of losing all I’d built over the last ten years, being unable to pay the bills, and of my loved ones getting ill.  Like so many of you, I lost sleep as I listened to the news and longed for words of reassurance and comfort.  I just wanted someone to tell me everything would be okay.

In the course of a few months, I’ve learned a lot. I’ve seen members of my various communities resolving to work together and face challenges with imagination and creativity. While missing the closeness of others, I’ve been touched by kinds words and generous gestures.  I’ve discovered that my community is largely supportive of those who, when knocked down, pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and try again. 

I still want someone to tell me everything’s going to be okay.  That’s what we all want to hear, but who can possibly tell us that? The world is upside down and topsy turvy, and we’re just trying to hang on.  No one can tell us what tomorrow holds, but I can tell you one thing…in this one moment, right now, while I sit and type this, everything is okay - in just this one moment for sure.  I am breathing.  I can turn and look out the window and see that the sun is still shining even behind clouds, birds are still singing, and trees are still giving.  The world has been through worse.  I can only hope I’ll come out stronger and kinder on the other side.  

Everything is going to be okay.  I’ll just have to say it to myself.  Sure, I’m still worried, but I have faith that I can still create something that people want and need - that I can still do some little thing that will make the world a brighter place.  I’ll just keep on keeping on and creating art from my heart.  I hope you will too.