Saturday, December 9, 2023

Four Steps to Finding Inspiration


"Do what you can with what you have where you are." 

- Theodore Roosevelt

Do you know what it feels like to be inspired?  You are filled with divine ideas which seem to arrive from somewhere outside of your humble brain.  It's like the great force of creativity has deigned to lean down and whisper in your ear. Isn't it wonderful?  You're filled with energy and enthusiasm.  One creative idea leads to another.  Compared to our normal state, being inspired is like life on steroids. 

Instinctually, you hang on tight, committing to riding this train as long as you can.  You understand the ride will end.  You'll be left at the station desolately waiting for the next inspiration train to sound its whistle in your ear arriving from who knows where. 

Is there a way to bottle it up for later?  Sadly not.  Perhaps the best we can do is keep a roadmap to getting to the source.  Put ourselves in the right place at the right time.  How?  By doing the work.  Consistently. I certainly haven't found the unlimited pass to Inspirationland, but I have experienced the short ride and have also found myself waiting for a train that never came.  These four steps help me.  Maybe they'll work for you.

1. Put Yourself in the Seat of Inspiration 

Nothing is created in a vacuum. Seek beauty all around you. Worship at your particular altar, whether that be a park, library or a church. Surround yourself with objects, people, and songs that stimulate ideas.  

2. Eliminate Distraction  

Once you have soaked up an inspiring environment, I suggest getting quiet to clear the mind. Meditate if that works for you.  At least temporarily avoid distractions like the news, irritating sounds, bothersome people unless you are that rare individual who is stimulated by chaos. Physically clear the clutter. Clean up your work space or studio.  Create an empty space, a pause where ideas can take root and flourish.

3. Deal with Blockages 

It's hard to open to ideas when your mind is filled with self-doubt.  Perfectionism has stopped many a talented artist and writer from simply beginning.  Is there anything weighing on your mind? Talk or write it out to fully explore the roadblocks you might put in your way.  Consider online talk therapy or coaching.  You might also try to walk it out. Something about moving your body forward through nature does wonders for clearing the mind.  It begins within.

4. Take Action 

Newton's first law states that an object in motion stays in motion.  Do something - even something inept, silly, or worthless.  Start that ball rolling.   You can still look for magic wands, say the affirming words, honor your superstitions, pray to whatever god you worship all while doing the work. Go through the motions.  Don't wait for inspiration to strike.  It might be sitting on your shoulder just waiting for you to begin.  

Here's the secret: sparks of inspiration are everywhere.  You just have to open your eyes, your heart, your mind.  Be ready.  Be available to catch that spark, and then fan it for all you are worth to create a blazing fire of possibility.  You can do it.  

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